Omora 28+10
Model “Omora 28 + 10” belongs to the group of “Mountain wood cabin”. “Mountain wood cabin” can be ground or floor construction where the first floor can be a stone basement, while the other one is wooden or floors to be wooden. As far as the exterior is concerned, the main visual feature is a roof structure that enables a very effective protection of the object from mountain winds and snow deposits.
“Omora 28 + 10” basically has dimensions 5.8m x 4m which gives a total surface of 35 square meters on the ground floor of which 15.7 goes to the interior and 9.6 on the entrance porch and terrace. The interior consists of a living room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom gallery on the second floor of 10 square meters.

Order production
Arrangement and distribution of interior elements is subject to free choice of the buyer. In addition, the customer is also able to get a sleeping gallery that would take advantage of one part of the high ceiling. The dimensions of the object are also subject to change according to the customer’s wishes.